Google+ SpaceTravelFoundation: A light has been observed on Mars by the rover Curiosity

April 8, 2014

A light has been observed on Mars by the rover Curiosity

Credit: +NASA 

A light has been observed on the red planet by the NASA's rover Curiosity .
What is your opinion about this ?

it seems that the light is induced by a cosmic ray hit said an engineer from +NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory . Actually, the light it is not observed in the left-Navcam image taken at the exact same moment.

Doug Ellison, an imaging guru who happens to work at JPL, quickly told me in a Twitter update that the bright spot is due to a "cosmic ray hit" affecting the rover. (Later: The Surrey Space Center's Chris Bridges agrees.)

Update for 12:50 a.m. ET April 8: Here's a recap of the four pictures we're talking about:

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